Lots of league options for 2024-25 season

Curlers have five different weeknight options for taking to the ice at the Michener Hill Curling Club during the upcoming 2024-25 season.

After discussion at the June meeting of the Board of Directors, the club is looking to attract both new and returning curlers in the following leagues:

  • Monday night – New Curlers
  • Tuesday night – Mixed
  • Wednesday night – Men’s
  • Thursday night – Open
  • Friday night – Frenzy!!!!

The Monday night New Curlers league features instruction from senior club members, and the opportunity for league members to form into teams and play a regular schedule against fellow new curlers.

The Thursday night Open league will be open to teams of any format (men, women, mixed) who are looking for the chance for another night of curling each week. Participating teams will be scheduled against each other regardless of team composition.

The Friday Frenzy is intended to provide a fun opportunity for curlers who want to register on an individual basis. Friday Frenzy’s format can change from week to week. One week could be regular four-person curling, the next week could be doubles, or triples, or stirling. Teams will be created each night providing a great chance to meet new friends. For MHCC members already registered in another weeknight league, there is no cost. For non-members, the cost is $75 to curl until Christmas.

Tuesday Mixed and Wednesday Men’s leagues return with the traditional regular season schedule format followed by playoffs.

For more information on joining one of our weeknight leagues, give us a call or send us a message: