Curling fees are staying the same for the 2024-25 season at the Michener Hill Curling Club.

Michener Hill’s fees for regular league curling remain the lowest in the city, with a friendly and fun atmosphere for new and experienced curlers alike.

Fee payment can be done anytime up to the first week of the season by e-transfer, cheque, debit, or cash.

If paying by e-transfer, please submit to the following email. E-transfer will be auto-deposited:

In the Notes section of your transfer, ensure that your name is included, along with the league(s) for which you are registering. Before paying, please confirm the total amount owed (including membership fee, Curling Alberta fee, and fee for each league) by emailing the Manager,, or checking the fee schedule for the 2024-25 season.

Below is a summary of fees for the upcoming season:




Membership Fee



Curling Alberta Fee



Monday New Curler League Fee

$150 (per half season)


Tuesday to Thursday Evening League Fee



Thursday Daytime League Fee



Friday Evening Frenzy

$75 (per half season)



  1. Membership fees and Curling Alberta fees , if applicable, are included in the Monday Night New to Curling and Friday Drop-in Fun fees.
  2. Each member pays the Membership Fee once, plus the league fee for each league(s) they join.
  3. Curling Alberta fee is paid once per year, regardless of the number of leagues or clubs in which an individual plays. If the fee has been paid at another club, we do not collect the fee.
  4. Junior curlers (under 21 years) receive a 50 per cent discount on Membership and League fees.
  5. If a League team has more than four players who intend to play regularly during the season, each player must pay the $75 Membership fee and the $17 Curling Alberta fee (unless already paid elsewhere). A team with more than four players is responsible for deciding how they will divide the required fees amongst their players.
  6. Casual spares are permitted in all leagues, at no charge!